Alola Meowth Amigurumi Pattern

Want to make your own Alola Meowth?

You will need the below items (items for the original Meowth have been crossed out):

Alola Meowth Amigurumi by loopycathrine


  • 2mm & 1.25mm hooks

  • Stylecraft Special DK in Stone Parma Violet and Gold White

  • Gold embroidery floss – I used Anchor colour no. 1037

  • Stone Violet coloured embroidery floss – I used DMC colour no. 842 3747

  • Polyester toy filling

  • Wire (approx. 25cm long)

  • Pins to place pieces before sewing together

  • Darning needle

  • Stitch markers (I prefer using scrap yarn as “stitch markers”)

  • Fibres in for needle felting* Black, White and a colour similar to Stylecraft Gold and for the eyelids & the inside of the ears I fluffed up some of my scraps of Parma Violet yarn, and Grey for the shadows around the eyelids 

  • Needle felting tool*

* Please note that I have used needle felting to create the eyes, mouth and for the colour finish of the ears. Needle felting is still quite new to me so I will not be including instructions on how to do this. You may want to look into alternative ways of creating the eyes, mouth and the ears.[gallery ids="1859,1858" type="square" columns="2" link="none"]


Assemble in the same order the pattern is written. I would recommend using a photo of Alola Meowth as reference for best possible outcome. Pin all the pieces in place before sewing to make sure it looks right.Once all the pieces were pinned in place I made the eyes using black, white, grey and parma violet fibre and my Clover Needle Felt Pen tool. I also used the same method to create the black and violet pattern on the ears, and the mouth. As mentioned above needle felting is still quite new to me so I will not be including instructions on how to do this. I would definitely recommend giving it a go!


Follow the instructions in the original Meowth pattern here!


Please do not reprint, sell or claim the pattern as your own.

I’ve loved creating this pattern so please don’t forget to credit the pattern designer.

I would love to see your creations! Please remember to tag me in your social media posts and use the following hashtag #loopycathrineamigurumi

For any questions about the pattern, please comment below and I will do my best to help.


Hoppip Amigurumi Pattern


Meowth Amigurumi Pattern